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The Fire Isolator EV Car Fire Blanket tested around the world

The solution to isolate EV car fires

The Fire Isolator EV Car Fire Blanket tested around the world

demonstration of the EV Car Fire Blanket

Demonstration of the EV Car Fire Blanket – In the rapidly growing world of electric vehicles, EV fire safety has become a top priority. Over the last few years, Fire Isolator is leading the way with our Ultimate Fire Blanket, designed to isolate EV fires quickly and effectively. Only in the last couple of weeks, we’ve demonstrated our innovative product and concept in several countries, showcasing its impressive capabilities to our dealers.

We are happy to share the successful demonstrations of our concept.

Demonstration of the EV Car Fire Blanket

BMW Colombia

We started this month’s journey in Colombia, where we successfully presented the Ultimate Fire Blanket to different dealers’ showrooms and workshops from BMW Colombia. The demonstration included the instruction of our EV Car Fire Blanket, that can be easily handled by two people by holding the colored hoops and gently pulling it over the vehicle.

Slovakia: Timely Demonstration for Miloslavov’s Fire Brigade

In Slovakia, we demonstrated our Ultimate Fire Blanket to the fire brigade in Miloslavov. This event was especially significant as the team had experienced an EV fire just a week prior, resulting in severe damage to a nearby house. Our demonstration showed the fire brigade how the Ultimate Fire Blanket could have prevented such extensive damage, emphasizing the necessity of our product in protecting both property and lives.

fire blanket for electric cars

Ohio: Equipping Firefighters with Advanced Tools

Another successful demonstration took place in Ohio, where the local fire brigade witnessed the strength and capabilities of our Ultimate Fire Blanket. Our demonstration focused on the blanket’s high-temperature resistance (up to 1600 °C or 2900 °F) and its ease of deployment. Local firefighters were impressed by our EV Car Fire blanket, which provides a critical tool for managing the unique challenges of EV fires.

demonstration of the electric car fire blanket

Indonesia: Expanding to New Markets in Jakarta

In Jakarta, Indonesia, we presented our fire blanket to yet another enthusiastic audience. Participants were particularly impressed by the blanket’s rapid deployment and robust fire containment capabilities, making it an ideal solution for both urban and industrial settings. This event marked an important step in expanding our reach to new markets, underscoring the global relevance of our fire safety innovations.

fire blanket for electric cars

More about our Ultimate Fire Blanket for electric cars

Fire Isolator has developed the Ultimate Fire Blanket, designed to control and isolate electric vehicle (EV) fires effectively. This electric car fire blanket can withstand temperatures up to 1600°C/2900°F, making it ideal for use in various locations like parking garages, malls, ferries, and airports to prevent collateral damage. Made from silica-grade materials, it reduces smoke and toxic fumes by depriving the fire of oxygen. The blanket is reusable (6-7 times), tested to high standards, and easy to deploy with colored loops. It’s available in different sizes to suit various vehicles, including small electric vehicles like e-scooters and e-bikes (LEVs).

Make no mistake – Our EV Car Fire Blanket is not intended to extinguish EV fires completely. Any other company that promises you a fire blanket that will do so, is simply not being truthful to you. However, the high-temperature EV Fire Blanket by Fire Isolator is very effective in isolating and controlling EV fires, buying time for other measures like aerosol units and water mist lances. Deploying the blanket requires at least two people and involves specific steps to ensure full coverage. Fire Isolator also offers training on using the blanket effectively.

For purchasing, customers can contact local dealers. You can find them here.
Interested in becoming one of our dealers? Please contact us.

Join Us in EV Fire Safety

All the above demonstrations have showcased the Fire Isolator electric car Fire Blanket’s capabilities and have show how easy the blanket can be handled by two people. As we continue to lead in fire safety innovation, we invite potential dealers and customers to experience the benefits of our product firsthand. Whether this is in demonstrations of the electric car fire blanket, or actual live demonstrations with burning vehicles (see live demonstrations with burning vehicles here).

Contact us today to schedule a demonstration and see how Fire Isolator’s Ultimate Fire Blanket can enhance your fire safety protocols. Together, we can create a safer environment for the growing world of electric vehicles!

For more information or to schedule a demonstration, please contact us.