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The solution to isolate EV car fires

Electric Car Fire Suppression

Revolutionizing Electric Car Fire Suppression: The Fire Isolator Concept

With the rise of electric vehicles, the demand for effective safety measures has become more crucial than ever. One critical area of concern is the potential for battery fires in EVs, a challenge that has prompted the development of innovative electric car fire suppression technologies. The Fire Isolator concept represents a breakthrough in addressing this…
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EV Fire Blanket

EV Fire Blanket: A revolutionary tool for electric vehicle fire suppression

As electric vehicles (EVs) become more popular, so does the conversation about fire safety. EVs are equipped with powerful lithium-ion batteries, which can catch fire under certain circumstances, presenting unique challenges compared to traditional combustion engine vehicles. The use of an EV fire blanket has emerged as a promising solution for containing EV fires. But…
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Emme Antincendio

Fire Isolator annuncia la partnership con EMME Antincendio per il mercato italiano

Fire Isolator è lieta di annunciare una nuova partnership con EMME Antincendio, produttore italiano leader di mercato da oltre 50 anni con una solida esperienza nel settore della sicurezza antincendio. Conosciuta per la qualità dei suoi prodotti Made in Italy ad uso sia terrestre che navale, Emme Antincendio apporta alla partnership una grande esperienza e…
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Emme Antincendio

Fire Isolator Announces Partnership with Emme Antincendio for Italian Market

Fire Isolator is pleased to announce a new partnership with EMME Antincendio, a leading Italian manufacturer for more than 50 years with solid experience in the fire safety industry. Known for the quality of its Made in Italy products for both land and naval use, Emme Antincendio brings great experience and ever-increasing innovation to the…
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Watermist Applicator 36

Watermist Applicator 36 – new product!

As many of you know, The Fire Isolator concept is designed to control the unique challenges posed by electric vehicle (EV) fires. As EV fires can reach extreme temperatures, our range of products is developed to effectively limit fire spread and cool down a vehicle, ensuring safer and more controlled firefighting operations. Over the last…
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EV Car Fire Blanket Ultra

Fire Isolator Introduces New Products for Enhanced Fire Safety

Fire Isolator Introduces New Products – At Fire Isolator, Fire Safety is our top priority. That is why we are happy to introduce our newest products. These new products include the EV Car Fire Blanket ULTRA, the Fire Blanket Trolley, the Fire Isolator Standing Cabinet, and the Fire Isolator Water Mist Applicators in three different…
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demonstration of the EV Car Fire Blanket

The Fire Isolator EV Car Fire Blanket tested around the world

Demonstration of the EV Car Fire Blanket – In the rapidly growing world of electric vehicles, EV fire safety has become a top priority. Over the last few years, Fire Isolator is leading the way with our Ultimate Fire Blanket, designed to isolate EV fires quickly and effectively. Only in the last couple of weeks,…
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Electric Car Fires in Shopping Malls

Electric Car Fires in Shopping Malls and Airport Parking Garages

Electric Car Fires in Shopping Malls – Electric vehicles (EVs) have become increasingly popular, thanks to their eco-friendly benefits and advancements in technology. However, with this rise in popularity comes a new set of challenges, particularly concerning fire safety. For those managing car parking lots near/under Shopping Malls and Airports, understanding the risks and best…
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Crocon Showcases Ultimate Fire Blanket

Crocon Showcases Fire Isolator’s Ultimate Fire Blanket in Punat, Croatia

Crocon Showcases Ultimate Fire Blanket – Beginning their partnership with Fire Isolator in only February this year, we are pleased to share that Crocon already established a strong presence in Croatia with our Fire Isolator concept. Following a series of successful presentations that laid the groundwork for their expertise in EV safety, Crocon recently took…
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EV Fire Suppression

EV Fire Suppression for lithium battery fires

EV fire suppression refers to the methods and technologies used to prevent, detect, and ‘extinguish’ (although containment is often the highest achievable stage) fires in electric vehicles (EVs). These vehicles, powered by lithium-ion batteries, pose unique fire risks due to the potential for thermal runaway — a condition where one cell’s failure can lead to…
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electric car fires and why they are so hard to extinguish

Incendios de híbridos frente a incendios de VE

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un híbrido y un VE? Incendios de híbridos frente a incendios de VE – La diferencia entre un coche híbrido y un vehículo eléctrico radica en sus fuentes de energía y el uso de combustible. Los híbridos combinan gasolina y electricidad para mejorar la eficiencia del combustible. Los VE, sin…
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Thank you and happy holidays!

With the holidays and a new year upon us, we would like to thank all of our customers, dealers, followers, friends, and business associates for a great 2023. We wish you all much health and happiness during the upcoming holidays!

Elektrikli araçlar için yangın battaniyesi – Elektrikli araç yangınlarının etkin bir şekilde izole etmek

Elektrikli araba yangın battaniyesi – Elektrikli oto araçlardaki yangınlar itfaiyeciler için yeni ve benzersiz bir zorluk teşkil eder, çünkü elektrikli oto araçlardaki yangınlarla mücadele normal araba yangınlarıyla mücadeleden çok farklıdır. Bunun nedeni elektrikli arabaların lityum piller içermesidir. Kısa bir süre içinde muazzam miktarda ısı üretebilirler. Bir araba yangını söz konusu olduğunda, bu durum hızla tırmanabilir…
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Containing Electric Car Fires

Containing Electric Car Fires – A New Challenge for Fire Fighters

Containing Electric Car Fires – In the realm of firefighting, the tried-and-tested weapon against flames has always been water. Water is usually the most effective way of fighting fire because it deprives flames of oxygen. However, the lithium-ion batteries in Electric vehicles make it a bit more difficult to extinguish a fire with just water.…
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UK guidance for ro-ro ferries

Reusable Car Fire blanket

These days electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular. However, with this increase of popularity also comes an increase of Electric Car fires. This is why we at Fire Isolator created a Reusable Car Fire Blanket especially for electric vehicles. What are the benefits of our reusable car fire blanket? Crafted from silica-grade materials,…
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Incendios de híbridos frente a incendios de VE

Hybrid fires vs EV fires

At Fire Isolator, we have spoken a lot about EV car fires. But what about hybrid fires? Is a hybrid fire more likely than an EV fire? What is the difference between these two? And are Hybrids indeed more likely to catch fire than an EV? You can read it all here! What is the…
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Electric Car Fire Suppression

Cobertor contra incêndio para carros elétricos – supressão eficiente de incêndios em veículos elétricos

Cobertor contra incêndio em carros elétricos – Os incêndios em carros elétricos representam um desafio novo e exclusivo para os bombeiros, pois o combate a incêndios em carros elétricos é muito diferente do combate a incêndios em carros normais. Isso ocorre porque os carros elétricos contêm baterias de lítio. Elas podem gerar uma enorme quantidade…
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EV fire Regulations

EV fire Regulations

EV fire Regulations – In recent years, the global shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) has been nothing short of remarkable. Governments all around the world have introduced regulations and incentives to encourage the adoption of cleaner, more sustainable transportation options. However, during the rapid growth of the EV market, there seems to be one crucial…
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Collateral Damages of EV fires

Collateral Damages of Hard-to-extinguish Electric Cars

With the rise of electric vehicles all over the world, comes a great risk as well. Driving a car that is better for the environment is obviously great, but what happens when an electric vehicle catches fire? And why are EV car fires so dangerous to their surroundings? In this article, we tell you all…
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Light Electrical Vehicle Fires

Light Electrical Vehicle Fires – What to do when your e-bike or e-scooter catches fire?

Light Electrical Vehicle Fires – Small electric vehicles like e-bikes and e-scooters are becoming more and more common. While these eco-friendly modes of transportation offer convenience and reduce emissions, they also come with a growing concern: lithium-ion batteries. As the popularity of these lightweight electric vehicles increases, incidents involving lithium batteries have also been on…
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