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Electric Car Fires in Shopping Malls and Airport Parking Garages

The solution to isolate EV car fires

Electric Car Fires in Shopping Malls and Airport Parking Garages

Electric Car Fires in Shopping Malls

Electric Car Fires in Shopping Malls – Electric vehicles (EVs) have become increasingly popular, thanks to their eco-friendly benefits and advancements in technology. However, with this rise in popularity comes a new set of challenges, particularly concerning fire safety. For those managing car parking lots near/under Shopping Malls and Airports, understanding the risks and best practices for dealing with EV fires is crucial.

Recent EV Fires in Parking Garages of Shopping Malls and Airports

As the use of electric vehicles continues to climb, so do the incidents of fires involving these EVs. Recent events have highlighted the specific challenges and dangers posed by EV fires, particularly in high-traffic areas like shopping malls and airport parking garages.

Recent Incidents with Electric Car Fires in Shopping Malls and Airport garages:

  • London’s Luton Airport
    On 10 October 2023, a fire tore through a parking garage at London’s Luton Airport, causing extensive damage. This incident illustrated the severe impact EV fires can have in high-traffic areas, especially when they occur in structures not specifically designed to handle such intense fires.
    (AP news)​
  • Fashion Outlets of Chicago, Rosemont, Illinois
    On January 18, 2024, an EV caught fire in the parking garage of the Fashion Outlets of Chicago. The fire department responded swiftly, managing to contain the fire before it could spread and cause significant damage. This incident underscored the need for rapid response and effective fire suppression systems in parking facilities.
  • San Diego, Kettner Boulevard
    In March 2024, three hybrid airport-shuttle vehicles were damaged after a lithium-ion battery ignited in a parking structure, San Diego Fire-Rescue officials said. Firefighters said it took about a half-hour — which officials described as an “extended time” — to put out the fires because of the batteries. A hazardous materials crew was requested.

Challenges in Extinguishing EV Fires

EV fires are notoriously difficult to extinguish compared to conventional vehicle fires. Several factors contribute to this challenge, such as high temperatures, risk of re-ignition and toxic fumes. This is why it is important to mitigate risks associated with EV fires, especially in shopping malls and airport parking garages where many cars are parked closely to one another.

Next to regular maintenance and inspection of charging stations, these parking garages should be provided with advanced fire detection and suppression systems, such as our Fire Isolator concept. More about our concept for fighting and isolating EV car fires can be found here.

Of course, we also offer training in our Fire Isolator concept. This training includes understanding the specific risks associated with EVs and knowing how to use the Fire Isolator concept and its products.

We recommend Fire brigades to invest in specialized equipment designed to handle EV fires, such as our Fire Blanket that can withstand temperatures up to 1600 °C/2900 °F, Aerosol units and a watermist lance to further cool down the car.

The challenges faced during the recent incidents we shared before (and these were only a few of many) demonstrate the need for such equipment.

Electric Car Fires in Shopping Malls and Airport Parking Garages

Our Recommendations for Policy and Regulation

To improve safety and reduce the risk of EV fires in public parking garages near Shopping Malls and Airports, we believe updated safety regulations specific to EVs are essential. These regulations should include:

  • Guidelines for the installation and maintenance of EV charging stations
  • Requirements for advanced fire detection and suppression systems
  • Training standards for staff and emergency responders on EV fire protocols
  • Having the correct equipment, such as the products of Fire Isolator, to fight EV car fires and minimize collateral damage and also training in this concept.

Encouraging cross-sector collaboration between automotive companies, firefighting brigades, and facility managers can also help develop better safety standards and response strategies.

The Fire Isolator Car Fire Blanket and Concept to prevent Electric Car Fires in Shopping Malls and Airport Parking Garages

As EV adoption continues to grow, so does the need to address the unique fire risks associated with these vehicles. The Fire Isolator Concept integrates several proven elements that work together to provide the most effective way to isolate EV car fires:

  • A High-Temperature Resistant Car Fire Blanket: This fire-resistant blanket can withstand temperatures up to 1600 °C/2900 °F, offering both isolation and control of the fire while preventing collateral damage.
  • Potassium Aerosol Units interrupt the chemical chain reactions within flames and suppress the fire, leading to a significant reduction in temperature.
  • A watermist lance to spray over the fire blanket to reduce toxic fumes and smoke, and to keep the car cooled.
  • Thermal Imaging Camera: This tool aids responders in assessing the situation accurately.
  • Proper training for effectively implementing the Fire Isolator Concept.

Become a dealer!

Fire Isolator is experiencing rapid growth worldwide, and we’re excited to extend an opportunity for you to join our success story. By becoming a Fire Isolator dealer, you’ll be at the forefront of innovation in EV fire safety.

Interested in becoming one of our dealers? Please contact us via email: