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Category: Fire Isolator News 1

The solution to isolate EV car fires

EV Fire Suppression

EV Fire Suppression for lithium battery fires

EV fire suppression refers to the methods and technologies used to prevent, detect, and ‘extinguish’ (although containment is often the highest achievable stage) fires in electric vehicles (EVs). These vehicles, powered by lithium-ion batteries, pose unique fire risks due to the potential for thermal runaway — a condition where one cell’s failure can lead to…
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electric car fires and why they are so hard to extinguish

Incendios de híbridos frente a incendios de VE

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un híbrido y un VE? Incendios de híbridos frente a incendios de VE – La diferencia entre un coche híbrido y un vehículo eléctrico radica en sus fuentes de energía y el uso de combustible. Los híbridos combinan gasolina y electricidad para mejorar la eficiencia del combustible. Los VE, sin…
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Thank you and happy holidays!

With the holidays and a new year upon us, we would like to thank all of our customers, dealers, followers, friends, and business associates for a great 2023. We wish you all much health and happiness during the upcoming holidays!

Elektrikli araçlar için yangın battaniyesi – Elektrikli araç yangınlarının etkin bir şekilde izole etmek

Elektrikli araba yangın battaniyesi – Elektrikli oto araçlardaki yangınlar itfaiyeciler için yeni ve benzersiz bir zorluk teşkil eder, çünkü elektrikli oto araçlardaki yangınlarla mücadele normal araba yangınlarıyla mücadeleden çok farklıdır. Bunun nedeni elektrikli arabaların lityum piller içermesidir. Kısa bir süre içinde muazzam miktarda ısı üretebilirler. Bir araba yangını söz konusu olduğunda, bu durum hızla tırmanabilir…
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Containing Electric Car Fires

Containing Electric Car Fires – A New Challenge for Fire Fighters

Containing Electric Car Fires – In the realm of firefighting, the tried-and-tested weapon against flames has always been water. Water is usually the most effective way of fighting fire because it deprives flames of oxygen. However, the lithium-ion batteries in Electric vehicles make it a bit more difficult to extinguish a fire with just water.…
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UK guidance for ro-ro ferries

Reusable Car Fire blanket

These days electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular. However, with this increase of popularity also comes an increase of Electric Car fires. This is why we at Fire Isolator created a Reusable Car Fire Blanket especially for electric vehicles. What are the benefits of our reusable car fire blanket? Crafted from silica-grade materials,…
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Incendios de híbridos frente a incendios de VE

Hybrid fires vs EV fires

At Fire Isolator, we have spoken a lot about EV car fires. But what about hybrid fires? Is a hybrid fire more likely than an EV fire? What is the difference between these two? And are Hybrids indeed more likely to catch fire than an EV? You can read it all here! What is the…
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Electric Car Fire Suppression

Cobertor contra incêndio para carros elétricos – supressão eficiente de incêndios em veículos elétricos

Cobertor contra incêndio em carros elétricos – Os incêndios em carros elétricos representam um desafio novo e exclusivo para os bombeiros, pois o combate a incêndios em carros elétricos é muito diferente do combate a incêndios em carros normais. Isso ocorre porque os carros elétricos contêm baterias de lítio. Elas podem gerar uma enorme quantidade…
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EV fire Regulations

EV fire Regulations

EV fire Regulations – In recent years, the global shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) has been nothing short of remarkable. Governments all around the world have introduced regulations and incentives to encourage the adoption of cleaner, more sustainable transportation options. However, during the rapid growth of the EV market, there seems to be one crucial…
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Collateral Damages of EV fires

Collateral Damages of Hard-to-extinguish Electric Cars

With the rise of electric vehicles all over the world, comes a great risk as well. Driving a car that is better for the environment is obviously great, but what happens when an electric vehicle catches fire? And why are EV car fires so dangerous to their surroundings? In this article, we tell you all…
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Light Electrical Vehicle Fires

Light Electrical Vehicle Fires – What to do when your e-bike or e-scooter catches fire?

Light Electrical Vehicle Fires – Small electric vehicles like e-bikes and e-scooters are becoming more and more common. While these eco-friendly modes of transportation offer convenience and reduce emissions, they also come with a growing concern: lithium-ion batteries. As the popularity of these lightweight electric vehicles increases, incidents involving lithium batteries have also been on…
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Test of the Fire Blanket successful

This incredible video captures a remarkable moment during the test of the fire blanket conducted by our trusted partner and dealer, SSI Fire Solutions. It showcases the exceptional performance of our Fire Isolator blanket, which not only successfully contained the fire but also demonstrated its incredible resilience by withstanding an unexpected explosion within the battery.…
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Blusdeken voor elektrische auto's

Blusdeken voor elektrische auto’s – Efficiënte bestrijding van EV-branden

Blusdeken elektrische auto – Branden in elektrische auto’s vormen een nieuwe en unieke uitdaging voor brandweerlieden, omdat het bestrijden van branden in elektrische auto’s heel anders verloopt dan het bestrijden van normale autobranden. Elektrische auto’s bevatten namelijk lithiumbatterijen. Ze kunnen in een korte tijd enorm veel hitte genereren. In het geval van een autobrand kan…
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Couverture anti-feu

Couverture anti-feu pour voiture – Lutter efficacement contre les incendies de véhicules électriques

Couverture anti-feu – Les incendies de voitures électriques représentent aujourd’hui un défi nouveau et unique pour les pompiers, car la lutte contre les incendies de voitures électriques est très différente de la lutte contre les incendies de voitures normales. Les VE contiennent des batteries au lithium qui peuvent générer une chaleur intense. En cas d’incendie,…
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Löschdecke für Elektroautos

Löschdecke für Elektroautos – Effiziente Bekämpfung von EV-Bränden

Löschdecke für Elektroautos – Brände von Elektroautos stellen für die Feuerwehr eine neue und einzigartige Herausforderung dar, denn die Bekämpfung von Bränden in Elektroautos unterscheidet sich stark von der Bekämpfung normaler Autobrände. Elektroautos enthalten Lithiumbatterien, die große Hitze erzeugen können. Im Falle eines Brandes kann diese schnell eskalieren, und das Feuer ist sehr schwer unter…
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Couverture anti-feu

Manta ignífuga para coches – Combatir eficazmente los incendios de vehículos eléctricos

Manta ignífuga – Los incendios de coches eléctricos suponen un reto nuevo y único para los bomberos hoy en día, ya que la lucha contra los incendios de coches eléctricos es muy diferente de la lucha contra los incendios de coches normales. Los vehículos eléctricos contienen baterías de litio que pueden generar un calor intenso.…
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Coperta antifiamma

Coperta antifiamma per auto – Combattere gli incendi di veicoli elettrici in modo efficiente

Coperta antifiamma – Gli incendi di auto elettriche rappresentano oggi una sfida nuova e unica per i vigili del fuoco, perché la lotta contro gli incendi di auto elettriche è molto diversa da quella contro gli incendi di auto normali. I veicoli elettrici contengono batterie al litio che possono generare un calore intenso. In caso…
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UK guidance for ro-ro ferries

New UK guidance for ro-ro ferries contains fire blankets to control electric vehicle fires

UK guidance for ro-ro ferries – The UK government has released a document containing guidelines for dealing with EV on board RoRo ferries: *MGN 653 (M) Electric vehicles onboard passenger roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ferries* Among many other guidelines, it contains the advice to have specialized fire blankets on board as part of manual fire fighting. This…
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How to control an EV car fire on ships

How to fight an EV fire on ships

As the popularity of EV cars continues to rise, their transportation on cargo ships has become increasingly common. However, several recent incidents on cargo ships carrying electric vehicles, this has raised a critical issue. Due to the lithium batteries inside EV cars, shipping them is not without risk. Our Fire Isolator concept is there to…
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lithium-ion batteries - Thermal Runaway in EV's

The risk of lithium-ion batteries – Thermal Runaway in EV’s

What are lithium-ion batteries? Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion batteries) are a type of rechargeable battery widely used in numerous applications, including electric vehicles. They are known for their high energy density, relatively lightweight, and long cycle life. How do lithium-ion batteries work? Lithium-ion batteries work by moving lithium ions between two electrodes—an anode (negative electrode) and…
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