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The solution to isolate EV car fires

Hur man kontrollerar bränder i EV-bilar

Hur man kontrollerar bränder i EV-bilar

EV-bilar som brinner I den här artikeln berättar vi hur du på ett säkert sätt kan kontrollera bränder i elbilar för att förhindra skador. Varför? Eftersom elbilsbränder skiljer sig mycket från vanliga bilbränder. Elbilsbränder är varmare än vanliga bilbränder på grund av litiumbatterierna. Detta kan orsaka farliga situationer, särskilt i parkeringshus eller bildäck på fartyg,…
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Blusdeken voor elektrische auto's

Cómo controlar los incendios de coches eléctricos

Coches eléctricos en llamas En este artículo le explicamos cómo controlar de forma segura los incendios de coches eléctricos para evitar daños colaterales. ¿Por qué? Porque los incendios de coches eléctricos son muy diferentes de los incendios de coches normales. Los incendios de VE son más calientes que los de coches normales debido a las…
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Hur man kontrollerar bränder i EV-bilar

Wie man Brände in Elektroautos kontrolliert

Brennende Elektroautos In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie Brände von Elektroautos sicher kontrollieren können, um Kollateralschäden zu vermeiden. Und warum? Weil sich Brände von Elektroautos stark von normalen Fahrzeugbränden unterscheiden. Brände von Elektroautos sind wegen der Lithiumbatterien heißer als normale Autobrände. Das kann zu gefährlichen Situationen führen, vor allem auf Parkplätzen oder Autodecks auf…
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How to control Electric vehicle fires on ferries and car-carriers

Come controllare gli incendi delle auto EV

Auto EV in fiamme In questo articolo vi spiegheremo come controllare in modo sicuro gli incendi delle auto EV per evitare danni collaterali. Perché? Perché gli incendi delle auto elettriche sono molto diversi da quelli delle auto normali. Gli incendi di auto elettriche sono più caldi di quelli delle auto normali a causa delle batterie…
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How to control Electric vehicle fires on ferries and car-carriers

How to control Electric vehicle fires on ferries and car-carriers

You have probably heard about the Felicity Ace, the car-carrying vessel that capsized on March 1st, 2022, and then sunk with thousands of vehicles from the Volkswagen Group onboard. However, this wasn’t the first ferry that got into trouble due to an EV car fire. Electric vehicle fires on ferries and car-carries According to the…
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EV fire safety training with the Fire isolator concept

EV fire safety training with the Fire isolator concept

The Fire Isolator concept should be quickly deployed in the case of a lithium car fire where the battery is also on fire and where as a result water extinguishing is not an option. Training in our concept to successfully control and isolate EV car fires is therefore very important to achieve the maximum result…
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Hur man kontrollerar bränder i EV-bilar

Sähköajoneuvojen tulipalojen hallinta Fire Isolator konseptilla

FIRE⚡️ISOLATOR on konsepti sähköautojen tulipalojen eristämiseen ja sammuttamiseen perustuen parhaisiin käytäntöihin ja live-testaukseen. Yleisesti ottaen sähköautojen tulipalojen sammuttamiseen tai hallintaan ei ole yhtä ainoaa ratkaisua, kuten kaikki tämän tyyppisiä autopaloja käsittelevät palomiehet voivat vahvistaa. Sähköautojen tulipalojen tehokas eristäminen ja sammuttaminen vaatii useita erilaisia ​​menetelmiä sähköautoissa olevien litiumioniakkujen ansiosta. Sähköauton on päätyttävä konttiin joka on täytetty…
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Aerosol Units explained

Aerosol Units explained

An aerosol unit is a lightweight, hand-held device that can be used during a fire to significantly reduce it. First responders and firefighters use it primarily for class A, B and C fires. It allows them to activate it on scene and throw them into the fire area. The device will then automatically activate and,…
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Hur man kontrollerar bränder i EV-bilar

Bestrijding en controle van branden in elektrische voertuigen met het Fire Isolator-concept

FIRE⚡️ISOLATOR is een concept voor het isoleren en bestrijden van branden in elektrische auto’s, gebaseerd op best practices en live tests. In het algemeen is er niet één oplossing voor het blussen of bestrijden van EV-autobranden, zoals alle brandweerlieden die met dit soort autobranden te maken hebben gehad, zullen kunnen bevestigen. Het zijn branden waar…
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Hur man kontrollerar bränder i EV-bilar

Controlar los incendios de vehículos eléctricos con el concepto de aislador de incendios

FIRE⚡️ISOLATOR es un concepto para aislar y combatir los incendios de coches de vehículos eléctricos basado en las mejores prácticas y en pruebas en vivo. En general, no existe una única solución para extinguir o controlar los incendios de coches EV, como podrán confirmar todos los bomberos que se han enfrentado a este tipo de…
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Hur man kontrollerar bränder i EV-bilar

Controllo degli incendi delle Auto Elettriche tramite il sistema di Fire Isolator

Fire Isolator è un sistema per isolare e combattere gli incendi di auto elettriche basato su i migliori test e tecniche pratiche. In generale, non esiste un’unica soluzione per spegnere o controllare gli incendi di auto elettriche, come potranno confermare tutti i vigili del fuoco che hanno avuto a che fare con questo tipo di…
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Hur man kontrollerar bränder i EV-bilar

Bekämpfung von Bränden in Elektroautos mit dem Fire Isolator-Konzept

FIRE⚡️ISOLATOR ist ein Konzept zur Bekämpfung von Bränden in Elektroautos, das auf bewährten Verfahren und Praxistests basiert. Im Allgemeinen gibt es nicht nur eine Lösung, um Brände von Elektroautos zu löschen oder zu bekämpfen. Das können alle Feuerwehrleute bestätigen, die bereits mit dieser Art von Fahrzeugbränden zu tun hatten. Um Brände in Elektroautos effektiv zu…
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control fires e-bikes and e-scooters

How to control lithium fires in e-bikes and e-scooters

Control fires in e-bikes and e-scooters – More and more often we hear that electric bikes and scooters cause fires because of their lithium batteries. You may think that the impact of an e-bike or e-scooter fire is less severe than an ev-car fire, but the danger lies in the fact that most people store…
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Fire Isolator Fire blanket

Fighting and controlling EV car fires in car parks and parking lots

An electric vehicle (EV) where the lithium-ion battery catches fire as a result of overheating or short-circuiting is a problem anywhere on earth. But especially if this happens in a full car park or parking lot where the burning EV is surrounded by many other cars, structures and people and an entire building is at…
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Allianz fire blankets

Allianz mentions fire blankets as a way of controlling EV fires on vessels in the newest Risk Consulting Bulletin

Allianz mentions fire blankets – These days, more and more people are investing in new, modern electric vehicles. And these vehicles need to be transported, often by cargo ships. This means that car decks on vessels are carrying a lot of these EV cars close to each other. But what if one of them catches…
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Hybrid car fire

Why a hybrid car fire is more likely to happen than an EV car fire

Hybrid car fire – At Fire Isolator, we have focussed mainly on how to control EV car fires. But it might be interesting for you to know that our concept can also be used on hybrid cars. Why this is interesting? Because recent statistics show that hybrid vehicles actually come in number one with the…
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Fire Isolator training and certification for Sunbelt Spirit car carrier crew

Fire Isolator training and certification for Sunbelt Spirit car carrier crew

Last week we trained and certified the crew of the car carrier Sunbelt Spirit in the deployment of the Fire Isolator concept in case of EV car fires onboard the ship. This training was performed by our Fire Isolator master instructor and took place in Poland. This ship, with a carrying capacity of 17950 t…
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How does an EV car catch fire?

How does an EV car catch fire? – The process

According to the London-based sustainability consultancy firm ERM for the Environmental Defense Fund, the Automotive sector worldwide will spend more than half a trillion dollars to develop new electric vehicles the coming years. In the US alone, 13 carmakers have announced plans to spend more than $75 billion to open electric vehicle manufacturing plants in…
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Fire isolator on national televison

Fire Isolator Concept on national television Korea

Our Fire Isolator dealer EMSTEC in Korea has performed another successful test of the Fire Isolator concept, this time on national television. Due to the recent increase in the penetration rate of electric vehicles, various accidents such as fires have become more frequent, and the fire brigade personnel conducted life-saving and fire suppression drills for actual electric…
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EV charging station fire

How to control and isolate an EV charging station fire

An EV charging station, also known as a charge point or electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), is a station with charging poles that supplies electrical power for charging plug-in electric vehicles. At these stations, car batteries can be charged. For logistic and customer-friendly reasons, these charging poles are usually placed next to each other in garages or parking lots. So, whether the EV…
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